Michael Allison 专栏

Eight Symptoms of a Low-Trust Organization

Without mutual trust, relationships, whether personal or work-based, are uncomfortable and distant. In organizations lacking trust, open, frank, and effective communication is non-existent.

Do you have a close, comfortable relationship with anyone you do not trust?  Clearly, the answer to this question is going to be NO. Without mutual trust,  relationships, whether personal or work-based, are uncomfortable and  distant.

As it applies to the workplace, trust can be very difficult to define. Think  about your own work environment and ask yourself, “How would I define “trust” as  it applies to the work environment? Does trust exist in my organization/company?  If trust doesn’t exist, how would I know?

It’s important to think about these questions because in organizations where  there is no trust, there is no real communication, turnover is high, employees  generally lack inspiration and are unwilling to voluntarily expend extra time  and energy in their work. It’s clear that a lack of trust is very costly to an  organization. Hence, it’s important that you be able to identify the warning  signs of a low-trust organization.


In organizations lacking trust, open, frank, and effective communication is  non-existent. As it relates to communication, there is a lack of trust when  people:

1. Feel unsafe about expressing their opinions or feelings – “Don’t tell the  boss how you really feel, or you’ll be in his bad books.”

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Michael Allison

Michael is a successful business person, entrepreneur, author, and dedicated soft skills trainer. You may find the following points of interest:

● Canadian National living in China since 2001.

● Fluent in Mandarin.

● 20+ years in leadership positions, both in own companies and a global NGO.

● Author of “Leading Generation Y - Engaging, Motivating, and Inspiring the Most Dynamic Generation in History.”

● Has wide range of experience in diverse industries, from meat processing to health & fitness.

● Michael is widely known within the MNC community as a highly experienced, professional, dynamic, humorous and personable corporate consultant and trainer.

● Expertise in Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Train the Trainer and Personal Effectiveness.