George T.K. Quek

George T.K. Quek is an accomplished consultant, coach and facilitator who works with leaders and their teams to improve their individual and organisational leadership and management performance. He has trained, coached and consulted for more than 3,000 executives and leaders from over 100 organisations throughout the Asia Pacific in the last 5 years. Prior to that, he had over 15 years of senior leadership experience with Fortune 500 and regional multi-national corporations.

HR Professionals as Internal Coaches(3 success criteria) - Part 2

The HR professional is in a very advantageous position to play an integral role in the development of talent and successors in the organization.
2012.04.10  专栏

HR Professionals as Internal Coaches

HR professional is increasingly expected to play the role of an internal coach/mentor to colleagues.
2012.04.04  专栏

HRo - a new paradigm for developing talent

Because of the long-standing dominance of the behaviorist tradition in the HR community, informed opinion in the past has been, essentially, that one could be anything or anybody they wanted to be--all that was needed was the proper training.
2011.10.13  专栏