Michael Allison

Michael is a successful business person, entrepreneur, author, and dedicated soft skills trainer. You may find the following points of interest:

● Canadian National living in China since 2001.

● Fluent in Mandarin.

● 20+ years in leadership positions, both in own companies and a global NGO.

● Author of “Leading Generation Y - Engaging, Motivating, and Inspiring the Most Dynamic Generation in History.”

● Has wide range of experience in diverse industries, from meat processing to health & fitness.

● Michael is widely known within the MNC community as a highly experienced, professional, dynamic, humorous and personable corporate consultant and trainer.

● Expertise in Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Train the Trainer and Personal Effectiveness.

Seven Things High-Trust Leaders Do

This article will explain how a high trust organization can be built. Here are seven things trustworthy leaders do or encourage within their organizations.
2012.06.18  专栏

Eight Symptoms of a Low-Trust Organization

Without mutual trust, relationships, whether personal or work-based, are uncomfortable and distant. In organizations lacking trust, open, frank, and effective communication is non-existent.
2012.06.14  专栏